Upload ease currently uses a self-signed certificate to allow it to read the files
on your computer (in order to upload them). You may be asked to accept this certificate
by your browser, which you will need to do to run this demo.
Once running, this demo will allow you to upload up to 10 files each of 2MB or less
in size. This is only a restriction of the demo and not the software in general,
which can be easily configured as necessary on a per application basis.
This demo shows:
The ability to break a request to upload multiple files into smaller chunks,
called "bundles". This demo is configured to use a maximum bundle
size (number of uploaded files) of 4. The upload report
shows which files were in which bundle.
UI customisation (click here to see a dark color theme).
All text labels and messages may also be customised (e.g. for localisation or internationalisation purposes).
Dynamic text or image watermarking of uploaded images.
Ability to cancel an upload.
Ability to send arbitrary form variables with upload.
Ability to send arbitrary per-file form variables with upload.
Limiting the total number of files that can be uploaded.
Limiting the size of files that can be uploaded.
Using GZip compression to compress files.
Including & excluding files from using compression.
(.jpg, .jpeg, & png excluded in this demo)
When you click the "Upload" button on the uploader the files you have
selected will be uploaded to our server and a report generated, detailing the
file names, sizes, notes, MD5 hash, etc. Once the report is generated it will be
shown in your browser. Non JPG/JPEG files will be uploaded as ".gz" files,
denoting that they have been compressed using GZIP (JPG/JPEG files are excluded
from compression as part of the demo). Uploaded image files are kept on the
server for a short time to allow you to see the text and image watermarking, but
are not accessible to others due to them being uniquely named on upload.
If you upload image files you will notice that a thumbnail version is also
generated, and that the uploaded size of the original image may be smaller
(if your image was larger than 400x300 pixels the demo is configured
to automatically scale it down).